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dada typo is a programming studio specializing in custom web application development. We do information architecture, database management, standards-based website implementation, and managed hosting, and other fiddly stuff.

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We work with small agencies and independent designers to build beautiful, functional things for the web.

We provide solutions for organizations who need websites tailored to their specific needs, whether for custom data collections, integration with 3rd party systems, or just because they understand the value of a well-organized website system. We build everything with a flexible and easy-to-use content management interface, from professional-grade ecommerce systems, beautiful image galleries, complex event and calendar systems, and other web-based applications. We can design the whole thing, from information architecture to user interface, or work with your to implement your vision.

In a world of quick 'n' dirty solutions, we strive for thoughtful, efficient, and built for you. Give us a call or send us an email to see if we can help you.

Learn more about our services

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From dedicated servers to cloud-optimized hosting platforms, we provide website hosting packages to suit your needs. And while we are happy to provide simple disk space and server accounts for advanced users, we've noticed that many organizations have no full-time webmaster, and often no IT department at all.

You need a webmaster: someone who can can configure the server for you, administer your email services, keep your software up to date, and even troubleshoot that buggy behavior on your website. You want a clear point of contact for when a problem arises.

We also specialize in privacy-conscious internet use, offering options for dedicated email hosting, private analytics, and self-hosted alternatives to commercial cloud-based sharing services like Dropbox or Google Calendar. Give your information the attention, the security, and the privacy it deserves.

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dada typo is here for you.

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